Navigation: Aircraft > Administrative >


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This section is applicable towards the Regional Manager (RM) position. This screen is remarkably similar to the menu items in the aircraft list. The reason for this is to keep the system uniform. The aircraft list section is for a field site. If you are the RM your aircraft will also maintained here. The administration area is for the management of your remote sites (those sites under your care and control). Aircraft information is fed via XBDM Receiver from remote sites during a specified hour of the day, or by importing a file set created and sent to you through the Internet/email. After your sites have sent their information to you all data is available in the administration area. 



Administration borrows from the aircraft list section with the following commands:

ENTER      Indexed EDIT 

CTRL-ENTER Initial entries 

CTRL-P     Projection Planner 

ALT-A      Accomplished .DBF 

ALT-B      TD Compliance 

ALT-C      Current Status 

ALT-E      Engine LOG 

ALT-M      MPICZI Analysis 

ALT-P      Propeller LOG 

ALT-S      ENG/PROP status 

ALT-T      Transfer files 

ALT-W      Wipe/Delete Aircraft 

ALT-X      Deletion LOG 

F10        Status Reports 

F12        Property Sheet data 

ALT-F5     ATA list 

ALT-F6     Aircraft Discrepancy Report 

ALT-F7     Base (Shark) Autoloader 

ALT-F8     AutoDump Regional Data 

ALT-F9     Special Archive Service 

ALT-F10    Regional ACPS check 

CTRL-F1    Aircraft Master 

CTRL-F2    Property Sheet Modification 

CTRL-F3    Inventory Control 

CTRL-F4    Aircraft Ownership 

CTRL-F5    Edit ACFT Ownership 

CTRL-F6    Site Personnel data 

CTRL-F7    Site Data Sheets 

CTRL-F8    Print Current Status 

CTRL-F9    View Aircraft by Base 

CTRL-F10   Site MC Rates 

CTRL-F11   Create INET File

CTRL-F12   Autodump via FTP 

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