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Special Archive Service

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This screen [ALT-F9] provides two useful purposes. The first is to compress and archive old status reports. Why do you want this? Every month, every aircraft makes three (3) files to produce a status report. If you have a couple of aircraft you can see that these files start to add up reasonably quickly. Selecting Yes at this screen lets the program archive (save) any files older than 3 months old. The program saves them to a directory called \\BDMROOT\BDM\ARCHIVE in a compressed format. 


The second option is titled SPECIAL and is designed to reset all archive bits when requested by the office or RM. Due to the nature of how I designed the system only files that have been modified since the last Autodump are prepared for uploads. Selecting Yes at this screen lets you define that all files should be sent instead of letting the program make the decision for you.




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