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Current Status

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The Current Status [ALT-C] screen will always try to present you with the most current data. The only time that you will not get exact information is if you are currently working on a off status report month. This means, if this is December and you are still working on November’s status report (I don’t know why after the first couple of days) then the Hours, Landings, and MC/OR rate will reflect that information for November. As soon as you update the current months report all will be back in sync. 


The Fact is - whatever month is last updated rules...


All other information presented will be current and up to date. There are a couple of entries that require entries on your part (on a daily basis), this information is transmitted to the office (via your RM) everyday.



The following are your responsibility to fill out:

Next Phase      - What phase is coming due

Ship Status     - 1 for UP, 2 for DOWN and 3 for restricted

Comments        - If ship is up... state it.  If down, give brief explanation

Starting ACTT   - The Time on the airframe on 1 October of the current fiscal year

Starting ACTL   - The Landings on the airframe on 1 October of the current fiscal year

Allocated Hours - How many hours was your unit authorized to fly

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