Selecting this key combination [F-10] will bring up a window asking you for the Year desired. It is defaulted to show the current year. After selecting the year you get to select the month (also defaulted to current).
Other options:
Status Report Print Options
Status Report END of MONTH LOCK
Status Report Back Page Options
Status Report Current Status
Status Report Line Calc
Status Report [ENTER]
This report will do all calculations as well as print out the required report. At the top left of the screen is the aircraft serial number. Below this is the M/C rate or O/R as we used to call it. This always reflects what the current rate is for whatever you do. To the right of this are the month and year. To the right of this are the acronyms: LMLF, LMTF, NTL, NTT, LMCFT, NCFT, LMFS and NFS. Below are the breakouts:
LMLF - Last Month Landings Forward
LMTF - Last Month Time Forward
NTL - New Total Landings
NTT - New Total Time
LMCFT - Last Month Crew Flight Time
NCFT - New Crew Flight Time
LMFS - Last Month Full Stop landings
NFS - New Full Stop landings
When you first bring up a status report for a given month/year, you need to provide the LMLF and LMTF. This is accomplished through the key combination [ALT-U]. As with most screens selecting the key [F1] will bring up a help screen. [ALT-U] is titled - Update carried fwd LMTF/LMLF. The dialog will ask you to put last months time and landings (from last months status report) into the fields. The fields are defaulted to bring up the current times and landings if they were already inputted. The number you select will be recorded and the screen will be updated to reflect your new entry.
Below the heading information described above are a series of field or column names. Starting at the left is a special title. It defines what service the aircraft is in. All services start from the 1st day and run to the 31st. Just as our status report has 31 days on it so does this status report. The program is smart enough to know what month/year combinations hold how many days (leap year included). From this information, depending on how many days are in the month, you will not be able to edit those days that are not valid.
The breakout for the column titles are as follows and available from the help screen [F1] for a C21:
CFT - Crew Flight Time
TG - Touch and Go
FS - Full Stop
E1 - Engine #1 starts
E2 - Engine #2 starts
FLT - Flight time
FMC - Full Mission capable
PMCS - Partially Mission Capable Supply
PMCU - Partially Mission Capable Unscheduled
NMCU - Not Mission Capable Unscheduled
NMCS - Not Mission Capable Scheduled
NMCP - Not Mission Capable Supply
NRPT - Non Report Time
For a C12 the first column changes to:
TW - Take off over gross weight
The days are listed in the L/H column. Entering data is as simple as pressing the [ENTER] key to begin editing, or by simply entering the value you want. To finish editing press edit again, or select the up or down arrow key.
As with the regular status reports, the sum of FMC + PMCS + PMCU + NMCU + NMCS + MNCP + NRPT needs to equal 24 hours. This program will automatically adjust the FMC rates for you. FMC will always provide the sums remainder to equal 24 hours except in two instances. If you exceed 24 hours by any amount a warning beep will occur, and the cursor will lock on that row. The MC rate will print in RED and the FMC status at the bottom of the report will report in RED a down arrow followed by FMC. A code of -1 will appear in the FMC column. This code has nothing to do with how many hours exceeded 24, but just an error code. The RED (down arrow FMC) means that you have gone below 0 hours FMC and is not considered acceptable. To clear this condition, you must enter a value that takes the total to 24 hours or below. Once this condition is satisfied everything will be returned to normal. You will not be able to escape out of the status report until you have turned off the ERROR system. A second error will occur if the FLT hours for the day exceed the FMC hours. When this happens the blinking RED ERROR replaces the MC rate and the FMC info block in the lower center of the screen says (up arrow FLT). This is corrected by either reducing the FLT hours (only if you had over entered the FLT hours) or most likely, by reducing the hours in the columns to the right of FMC, those being: PMCS, PMCU, MNCU, MNCS, MNCP, NRPT. It is possible to get a combination of the two errors. You will have to play with the figures to settle the ERROR.
At the bottom of the screen are twelve (12) informational/total fields. This is the area that keeps track of the column totals. Listed below are their breakouts.
For C21:
CREW TIME - Crew Time
For C12:
T.O. OVGW - Take off over gross weight
All Aircraft:
LANDINGS - Touch and go’s + full stop landings
FLT TIME - Flight time
L/H ENG - L/H engine starts
R/H ENG - R/H engine starts
NON-REP - Non reporting time
PMC SUP - Partially mission capable supply
PMC UNSC - Partially mission capable unscheduled
FMC - Fully mission capable
NMC UNSCH - Not mission capable unscheduled
NMC SCHED - Not mission capable scheduled
NMC SUPPLY- Not mission capable supply
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