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Aircraft List

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This screen has quite a bit of information on it. The upper left corner displays (if you have more than one aircraft) a composite rate provided that your aircraft is all displaying timely current status information. If only one airplane is being maintained it will only say - Processing Complete. In the lower left-hand corner is the statement - F1- Help. All this implies is that if you want a little help in what each option accomplishes, then press the [F1] key.  At the bottom of the screen (middle), the statement - Select Aircraft with the up or down arrow keys then use Key Combination. The up or down arrow keys are located on your keyboard. If you have more than one aircraft, then these keys become effective. In the lower R/H corner of the screen is the employee number of the person logged on. It is important that this number is your number and not someone else’s because quite a bit of information is recorded as you wander from menu item to menu item and make modifications.


There is a blue window in the upper R/H corner of the screen. This area contains the name of your aircraft (Tail Number/Serial Number and the current status of that aircraft).



The following options are as follows:

ENTER      Indexed EDIT 

CTRL-ENTER Initial entries 

         Journal Manager 

CTRL-P     Projection Planner 

CTRL-F1    Aircraft Master 

CTRL-F2    Property Sheet Modification 

CTRL-F8    Print Current Status 

CTRL-F11   Create INET File 

CTRL-F12   Auto-dump via FTP 

ALT-A      Accomplished .DBF 

ALT-B      TD Compliance 

ALT-C      Current Status 

ALT-E      Engine LOG 

ALT-M      MPICZI Analysis 

ALT-P      Propeller LOG 

ALT-R      Record Generation file 

ALT-S      ENG/PROP status 

ALT-T      Transfer files 

ALT-W      Wipe/Delete Aircraft 

ALT-X      Deletion LOG 

ALT-F5     ATA list 

ALT-F6     Aircraft Discrepancy Report 

ALT-F8     Auto-dump Regional Data 

ALT-F9     Special Archive Service 

ALT-F11    Field Service Reports 

F10        Status Reports 

F12        Property Sheet Data 

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