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Accomplished log

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Pressing [ALT-A] activates the accomplished history when in the TLMC manager screens. This table keeps track (internally of every TLMC item that you accomplish when you EDIT via the [ENTER] key. If you elect to manually override a TLMC edit (via ALT-C or ALT-G) then no changes will be reflected unless you manually (not that hard) change them in this file. Viewing updates with this selection will yield you nothing. All it provides is access to recorded data. 



The following fields are available in the log:

RI   - Record Indicator

ITEM - Inspection ITEM

ATA -  Airline Transportation Association code

POS  - Position of ITEM

FREQ - Frequency of ITEM

UOM  - Unit Of Measure

TI   - Type of Inspection

WDT  - When Due Time

WDC  - When Due Cycles

WDD  - When Due Date

ACT  - Accomplished Time

ACC  - Accomplished Cycles

ACD  - Accomplished Date

USR  - Unscheduled Replacement (True/False)

SN   - Serial Number of item

PM   - Pre/Post Maintenance

ENTD - Entry Date


When a History check is performed this table is queried for applicability. The list you view is based off of this table

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