In your ROMX.INI file is a switch titled [jnl] that has an item titled-editor. If you want you can replace (or add) the text editor of your choice. A text editor that comes with this program is called TDE.EXE. You can replace it with an editor of your choice
editor=tde.exe (leave no spaces on either side of the equal sign)
When you start ROMX and select View ROMX.INI, you can modify several internal settings. If you change an item it will be automatically updated after the edit. Some items may appear to have been skipped because of how the screen gets painted, but the system will be adjusted accordingly and everything will appear normal the next time you start the program.
If you elect not to enable the editor then an internal viewer (default) will only show you what’s in the .INI file.
Many changes are available to control the way ROMX looks and feels. The following are the applicable switches as of this release.
[status] - Status Reports
mo=Military Organization
gr=Government Representative
sr=Service Representative (Lead man/Supervisor)
[addr] - FSR sender address
l1=Line 1 of your address for FSR
l2=Line 2 of your address for FSR
l3=Line 3 of your address for FSR
[tlmc] - Time Limit Maintenance Checks
alarm=ON/OFF - two tone warning tone at TLMC screen
blink=ON/OFF - overdue items (OFF in Window session)
delay=1 to 31 - defaults to 3 and is for last month prompt
csupd=1 to 31 - defaults to 3 and is for current status updating
altt=0 to 60 override for TLMC calcs via Current Status - TIME
altl=0 to 60 override for TLMC calcs via Current Status - LDGS
altd=0 to 60 override for TLMC calcs via Current Status - DAYS
maxt=0 to Whatever - controls max (60) projection calc default
[cs] - Current Status
ptime=0 to Whatever - projection override current status - TIME
pldgs=0 to Whatever - projection override current status - LDGS
pdays=0 to whatever - projection override current status - DAYS
[menu] - Menu
bg=Background color defaults to B/N for Blue
sort=ON or OFF (sorts quick/help menu)
[jnl] - Journal
editor=Executable Text editor file... EDIT.EXE locatable in path
trivia=OFF (defaults to ON - Monthly Music Trivia)
[czimpi] - C21A engine requirements
c1=CZI record indicator #1 engine (C21)
c2=CZI record indicator #2 engine (C21)
m1=MPI record indicator #1 engine (C21)
m2=MPI record indicator #2 engine (C21)
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