ROMX will print to the default printer by default. If you want to print in landscape, select [Y] to the field Wide Format. What this does is to inform the program that you can print some forms/reports in landscape format. In the R/H side of the window are the margins for wide format printing. To select a new printer press [ENTER] while the cursor is in the Printer field which will bring up a list of printers your computer recognizes. It will bring up a list when you try and exit the field and the printer does not match a recognized printer. To change a printer you can simple erase the entry in the field and select a new one.
If you want to print in landscape, select [Y] to the field Wide Format. what this does is to inform the program that you can print some forms/reports in landscape format. In the R/H side of the window are the margins for wide format printing.
The left and right margins are defaulted to 2. Page width is set to 80. Page length is usually the item that I have to configure with each printer. If you print a report and it prints records on the next page, skips a little and then reprints the header, you know that you need to decrease this field. Experimentation normally works great. The rest of the parameters are the top and bottom margin. The default settings are generally fine unless you don’t like what you see. Try it, modify it, and view the results for yourself.
You can toggle through the selections with the up and down arrow keys or select [ENTER] to proceed to the next item. After the Wide Bottom Margin item you will be asked if you want to accept these modifications. Answering [Y], for yes, will write the changes to the configuration file (CFGROMX.ADT) located in the .\ROMX directory. Selecting anything else will cancel all changes and resort to the last configuration settings in that file.
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