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Status Report Line Calc

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This option was written primarily for the ARMY sites.  Selecting this key combination will start calculating row by row of the report.  What you will see is (if there was any flight time for a day) the flight time followed by the new total time for that day.  Next comes the landings and its new total landing for the day.  This will let you check your calculations for the required ARMY forms. 


The actual field titles are as follows:

FLT  - Flight Time for the day

LCTT - Line Calc Total Time

TG   - Touch and Go’s

FS   - Full Stop landings

LCTL - Line Calc Total Landings



On the C21 program the field titles are as follows:

FLT    - Flight Time for the day

LCTT   - Line Calc Total Time

TL     - Total Landings

FS     - Full Stop landings

LCTL   - Line Calc Total Landings

ETTS01 - Engine Total Time since overhaul #1

ETTS02 - Engine Total Time since overhaul #2

ECS01  - Engine Cycles since overhaul #1

ECS02  - Engine Cycles since overhaul #2


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