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Personal tools

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Selecting this item brings up a window asking if you want to create or use a report. 


Create a report:

When you elect to create, a new dialog pops into view asking you to provide your employee number. This is your 5 digit number assigned by L-3. The program uses this number to create a file specifically for the creator. After providing your number you are provided with feedback of your entry and asked if the information is correct. If it is, press [Y] or select [ENTER] to confirm.




Use a tool report:

Selecting this menu item brings up a tool list from everyone that created one. The list is scrollable and is identifiable by the employee number. The first letters of the file (PTI) of the file name simply stand for Personal Tool Inventory. From this screen only two options are available. Select [ENTER] for the indexed order or [CTRL-ENTER] for natural order. All functions operate the same as any other table.


When you select [F2] a window pops up asking for you to put your name down the way you want it printed on the report. If you leave this blank and hit enter no name will be on the report. As with every other print option the program will ask you to confirm printing. Selecting [Y] sends the report to the print spooler for printing and returns control back to you.


The field structure is as follows:

DESC - Description of Tool

MFG  - Manufacturer of Tool

PN   - Part Number of Tool

LOC  - Location in Box (TRD - Top Right Drawer)

ID   - Engraved ID on tool


This table assumes one tool for every line. 1 set of tools is also listed as 1 ea tool.



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