This area [ALT-O] provides you the ability to check on Ordering Status as well as the actual ordering of a part(s)
The options are:
Ordered Status - You can look at the status by aircraft, stock, or everything at once. The parts listed will be those that have not been received.
Received Status - These are the parts that have been received (from placed orders) and are broken out by aircraft, stock, or everything.
Under the Status (Ordered/Received) if any history is found you will be presented with a view into what’s going on. Here is the breakout:
•Depending on what status the part is in, when looking at this view, will determine what you see. For instance, when you first order a part, you will see a WSP (Waiting System Process) - This means that the order has not yet been placed (by fax) - After a FAX has been sent, the statement will revert to the Fax sent statement. When received... the status will change to show you the Packing Sheet the part was received on.
•This will be how the Part was ordered
•The date the order was placed
•The date the part was received
•The Part Number ordered
•Description of the part
•Unit of Measure (PN)
•How many you ordered?
•Which aircraft was the part ordered for?
•Depending upon how the order was processed (AOG/$PL) this will contain the remarks section that was sent with the order
•Was the part number verified?
•How many have been received?
Ordering a Part
New - If the part number is not listed in your inventory
Highlighted - The highlighted part is what you want to order
When Ordering a part there is a little information to be filled out. Any field in RED will requires some kind of entry.
The following fields are applicable:
A/C OR STOCK - Press [ENTER] when empty and you will be given a pick list
PART NUMBER - What Part Number do you want to order ?
DESCRIPTION - This should be automatically filled out for you
QUANTITY - How many do you want ?
UOM - Unit of Measure
TYPE - What type of Inventory (BASI, COLN, GARR and OTHR)
ORDER PRIORITY - Press [ENTER] when empty for a pick list
REQUISITION WO#/CORE REPLACEMENT SN/COMMENTS - Add your requisition work order number in this field. If you are replacing a serialized PN and must specify the replacement--enter it here. If you need to add comments, then put those here also.
When you are done editing you will be presented with the Save option.Press [F5] to save what you have done. At any time you can look at the ordered status to see what’s going on.
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