To get you started quickly, before this program can work with an aircraft it needs to create an aircraft file set.
To do this on a new system:
•Start BDM
•Enter 80000 for the Employee number
•Enter STARTUP for the Password
•Press [ENTER] to open up the ACFT menu item
•Press the down arrow key once and press [ENTER]
•Press [ENTER] to open up the TLMC Management menu item
•Press [ENTER] again to select TLMC Creation menu item
•Select your type of aircraft and press the [ENTER] key
•Select your model of aircraft and press the [ENTER] key
•Enter the aircraft serial (manufacturer) number. Not the tail number.
•Press the [ENTER] key to advance to the Branch of Service edit
•ARMY = AR, NAVY = NA, Air Force = AF and MA = Marines
•Press the [ENTER] key and the aircraft will be created.
•The newly created aircraft will be accessible from the Aircraft List Menu.
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