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Property Sheet Modification

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Selecting this dialog with [CTRL-F2] will allow you to modify the aircraft that was highlighted. There are a few fields that can be modified. It is not recommended that you adjust any properties from this dialog box. The available fields are as follows:


Validation Database       - Master TLMC to authenticate

Status Report Format      - 1 is C12, 2 for C21

Jet Aircraft              - True or False

Propeller Driven          - True or False

Helicopter                - True or False

Retractable Gear          - True or False

Number of Engines         - 1 or 2

Number of Props or Rotors - 1 or 2



TLMC F12 Property Sheet View


Selecting this screen will give you a breakout of the aircraft properties for the aircraft that was highlighted. Data displayed is the same information (in a different view) as gathered with the Property Sheet Modification dialog.


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