Selecting [ALT-M] will perform the MPICZI analysis. When you are in local mode ACFT|Aircraft list, the process is generated on the fly. If you are in administrative mode, the process is generated externally as set by BDM. In either case the data is generated from the engine logs and the TLMC files for the individual aircraft. The fields are broken out as follows:
ACFT - Aircraft Tail Number/Aircraft Serial Number
BASE - Base number
ITEM - The Record Indicator description
CHRS - Current hours on ITEM
RHRS - Remaining hours in ITEM
ENGSN - Engine Serial number as reported by TLMC and Engine logs
TLMCDUE - The TLMC reported due time
When the data files are processed the BDM.INI file is queried for the following header/tags:
c1=CO0030 \\ CZI #1 record indicator
c2=CO0040 \\ CZI #2 record indicator
m1=CI0510 \\ MPI #1 record indicator
m2=CI0541 \\ MPI #2 record indicator
If the above are not present, then internally, BDM will use the values listed above (these were current when the function was created).
As the records change (via the QA department) then you will need to update these entries manually or use RABDM utility (application selector).
In the ITEM field the report will say ERROR - Record: XXXXXX. This will indicate the record indicator(s) listed above are not in the aircraft TLMC file. This would tell us that either the header/tag fields do not match what’s in the TLMC or the RI’s have been deleted in the TLMC. If the items were deleted, go to the deletion log and restore them.
The screen shot below shows fleet analysis through the administrator screen
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