Inventory auto typing [ALT-E] is designed to associate part numbers with the appropriate inventory type. Type is determined from the Master Inventory parts table. Auto typing will automatically start if the first item in the table that is missing a type definition. Once the first part number has been typed auto typing will be disabled. You must then manually start the auto type with the key combination [ALT-E].
You cannot charge out a part until it has been typed. This holds true for a part number that has not been authenticated to the master inventory.
If more than one type exists for a given part number you will be prompted for the correct one. A select box will be presented in this situation with the available options highlighted. You must select a type.
If the program will not auto type a part number then the part number cannot be authenticated to the Master Inventory table. This would indicate that you need to investigate into the root cause of the base part number.
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