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GSE - Servicing

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This table will track your scheduled maintenance requirements on all powered GSE equipment.  This utility has been designed with the [ENTER] key in mind. Like most all tables in this program, to edit you just start typing or press the [ENTER] key. When you do this a pop-up dialog window appears. 



There are a number of fields that can be filled out. 


The fields are listed below:

Bumper Number - If applicable (large sites)

Equipment     - The Description of the equipment

Part Number   - The correct part number of the part

LT            - A logical True/False for indexing selection (print)

MFG           - Manufacturer of the part

SN            - Serial Number of the item


The rest are self explanatory:

INTERVALS - Frequency when inspection due (8M0/2YR)

DATEDUE   - Date the item is due inspection

TIMEDUE   - Hobbs time the inspection is due


If the equipment manual suggests that the frequency is accomplished every 200 hours and 6 months for the Oil filter you would in the INTERVALS field place the wording 200 HRS / 6 MONTHS. Since this item has two due frequencies both the DATEDUE and the TIMEDUE fields would be filled in. If the item only had one frequency requirement just fill in the appropriate field.


Printing this report will cause each piece of equipment to be printed in ascending order of actual DATEDUE requirements. Selecting [T] in the LT field will cause the items to be printed in ascending order via the TIMEDUE field.

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