Q. Why doesn’t my Status Report (Times or Landings) match those in my TLMC?
A. When you work in a Status report, the program keeps track of the highest amount of (hours/landings) time at any given time. This means that if you are working on a report from the previous month the system won’t try to make those times the most current. When you add too many hours/landings on a report and then take them back out, for whatever reason, the program still remembers the highest amount So, When you make a mistake on the hours/landings, and subtract, Press the key combination [ALT-U] to bring up the Update screen and restate the original Last Month times/landings--Everything will be reset to normal.
Q. I deleted a record in my TLMC by accident what do I need to do to get it back?
A. When you delete a record the RI (Record Indicator) is sent to the Deletion log as well as the date you did this. From this point you really have two options to get it back. From the Aircraft List screen (the one with the aircraft listed) press the key combination [ALT-X] and highlight the record you just deleted (I hope you remembered which one)--Usually the last record. Next, press the key combination [ALT-F8] to see the record in its originality. Pressing [ALT-F10] will bring up a dialog box asking you what you want to do. If the record that you deleted is not a RG (Record Generation) then selecting Yes will put it back into the table.
Q. What is the Aircraft Master list?
A. The Aircraft master list contains the important data needed by the program to present you will accurate data. Most of this data feeds the Engine and Props to provided TTSO/TTSN and so on. The aircraft tail number as well as branch of service and model of aircraft are stored here as well. When you upload data to another site (region/office) a special copy goes with it so the data on the other machine is matched exactly with what you have. This table should not be manipulated at random, use the data entry screens found throughout the program. In a pinch we (the office) might have you manually modify this table.
Q. I have 3 aircraft in my care and sometimes when I print my current status only one aircraft is printed instead of all the aircraft?
A. This is caused when your aircraft are not in SYNC with one another. In the Upper Left corner of your screen there is a statement that states Site MC rate. If a valid MC/OR rate is not present then one or more of your aircraft need updating via current status screens. The statement following the Site MC rate will tell you what is wrong, just update the aircraft in error.
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