Q. I need to Order a part, I don’t understand what to do?
A. First, make sure the part number is obtained from the latest greatest Part Manual--don’t assume anything about a part number. Next, If you already have had the part number in stock, highlight it with the light-bar (We are in the Inventory section) and press [ALT-O]. Toggle down to Highlighted on the menu bar and press [ENTER]. Fill out the data on the page, press [PGDN] or press [ENTER] until you get the save prompt. Follow the instructions and the part order is placed in a queue. If you have never had the part before, select [ALT-O] and toggle to New. Fill out the data. You must enter a valid part number. The part number will be checked against the MASTER. If the part cannot be verified you’re out of luck--this will have to be manually processed.
Q. What happened to my GSE inventory data?
A. It has been incorporated with the main inventory data. Most sites that I talked with were not using the GSE-so I removed it. If your site was using GSE data, then there is a utility named UGSE.EXE in the beta section on the ftp server in Madison. Download this file and place it in the BDM directory (\\bdmroot\bdm). Execute the file and follow the instructions. Upon completion your GSE data will be merged with your Inventory data.
Q. How can I look at a parts history?
A. Highlight the part number and press [ALT-A].
Q. How do I scrap a part?
A. You will transfer this part out of stock using base codes. When you scrap a consumable use the a base number of 699. When scrapping a repairable use base number 570 (Madison) and send the part in.
Q. How do I account for daily transactions?
A. Use the inventory ALT-R key and put in the transaction date filter (the day you want) and press [ENTER]. If there are transactions for the filter date you will get a list. Press [F2] to print it out.
Q. How do I turn off the Inventory SCAN that starts everyday?
A. In BDM.INI there is a switch that can be set. Under the header [INV] set/create it to read iscan=OFF. Once activated and BDM restarted you will not be prompted for scan in inventory startup.
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