This function takes us into the Indexed Edit mode when the [ENTER] key is pressed. When viewing records in this mode all records are rearranged to give us an order ascending picture of when the items are due. When working form this option all records will be listed according to when the items are due. The items are listed in ascending order by column DUE requirements. Those items that do not have a DUE item will be listed before those items with the DUE entry filled in. The DUE columns are: TIMEDUE, CYCDUE and DATEDUE. With the record entries filled out, the first items listed will be TIMEDUE followed by CYCDUE and lastly, DATEDUE. All records are rearranged automatically to always reflect this DUE relationship. By viewing records in this manner it is very easy to tell what is DUE next by its relationship to the column. this type of organization relieves the technician from continually SCANNING the TBO/TLMC board on a daily basis and occasionally missing items.
The basic available options are:
ENTER Record Editor
ALT-A Accomplished log/editor
ALT-C Correction Editor
ALT-F Query/Find
ALT-G Field Edit
ALT-H Record Help/Information
ALT-R Record Generator
ALT-F1/F3 Column locks 1-3
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