The discrepancy report [ALT-F6] replaces the paper form that was attached to your Status report every month. This domain was once formally associated with the ARMY. However, all services now get the task to complete this section. The editor (which you work with) becomes active when you press the [ENTER] key on a line in the table. The fields to fill out are self enlightening but I will break them out.
Aircraft Serial number - Serial number of aircraft
Discrepancy Date - The date of the write-up
Discrepancy in Logbook - Short description of write-up
ATA\GAMA Index code - Selectable code of write-up
Repeat discrepancy - How many times has this write-up been made ?
Part number ordered - If a part was ordered, what is it ?
Date part ordered - What was the part order date ?
Tracking number (ADR) - Your internal tracking number - you provide this...
Ordered priority code - How was this part ordered (better not be Routine)
Discrepancy delay code - Why is there a parts delay ?
Parts received date - When did you receive the part ?
Discrepancy Cleared on - When was discrepancy cleared ?
This report is for ALL ENGINE and AVIONICS write-ups. Additionally any write-up in your logbook more than 30 days will be entered here. When ordering a part you have the option of placing the item automatically on this report. The option is yours.
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