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Welcome to the record editor. Editing is completely automated. Only information that the  program considers necessary will be asked for your input. There are a couple of modes that the editor will take depending upon the inspection type.


The very first time an item is edited, the program only wants to know when it’s due. If it’s a repairable item, it asks you for the serial number. If there is no serial number for the item, press the [ENTER] key and it will be filled via **** N/A ****.



Every time there after the program makes a selection based on the inspection type of the TLMC item.


For Repairable items (those records with an R in the I column) you will be prompted with a [LIFE LIMITED COMPONENT - DATA ACCUMULATION QUESTIONNAIRE] question.  All this prompt wants to know is if the ITEM you are putting on the aircraft is a component that already has time on it that should be considered in the new DUE requirements. Most components will require a N (for No) answer. Be aware that every R inspection item gets this prompt no matter how trivial.



The next prompt for a repairable is the SCHEDULED OR UNSCHEDULED REPLACEMENT question. This question is asked because there is a column in the history file that wants to know if the TLMC item made it to overhaul. Lastly, you will be prompted to enter the TIME, CYCLES, DATE and Serial Number of the accomplished TLMC item. If you press the [ENTER] key while the field is blank, the most current TIME and CYCLES will be entered.  These figures are based off of what the TIME and LDGS are at the bottom of the screen in the L/H corner. If any of these figures are incorrect just put in the right numbers or dates. After the last field has been entered you will be prompted to save the information you just entered. Press [F5] and your data will be saved. Any other key will void the Edit.




For all other inspections types the prompt will be based on what type of a DUE frequency we are dealing with. If the item is TIMEDUE based you will be prompted for the TIME the item was accomplished. When the field is empty press the [ENTER] key and the most current TIME will be filled in for you. Pressing [ENTER] to advance will prompt you for a savings confirmation.  Select [F5] and your data will be saved. Any other key will void the Edit. The CYCDUE and DATEDUE items work exactly the same way. 


DATEDUE items are interesting. If the DATEDUE item has a FREQ of Months or Years then the DUE requirements will be adjusted to the End of that Month automatically. 


The 10% rule. If a TLMC item is not a Repairable the new DUE requirement will be analyzed to see if the inspection was accomplished within 10% of its DUE schedule. If it was then the new DUE will be adjusted as if the item was completed exactly on time. Those items falling on either side of 10% will be adjusted exactly with the frequency called for on the TLMC.   

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