Should you find it necessary to create a new TLMC record (for which none exists) then it will be necessary to create it. A window will pop up containing the following fields:
ITEM - The new TLMC item
ATA - Airline Transportation Association code of new ITEM
INSP - Type of Inspection
POS - Position of item
FREQ - Numeric frequency of item
UOM - Unit of Measure
REF - Reference for new Record (Validity counts)
DEP - Dependency
SAVE - Yes or No to save this record
At the bottom of the screen help will describe what you need to enter at every field.
A Worthy note:
A record created with the Generator will never be removed by the TLMC processor. It is possible for a created record to be updated the next time the TLMC is updated. When this happens you will need to delete your generated record.
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