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Select a TLMC item with the highlight bar. Press the key combination and you will be taken to an ACCOMPLISHED HISTORY log--if there is any history. The information displayed is taken from the Master accomplished log. What you will see is derived from what type of Inspection type you are looking at. The fields that are present for every item are:


RI   - Record Indicator Item


ATA  - Airline Transportation Association code

POS  - Position of ITEM

FREQ - Frequency of ITEM

UOM  - Unit of Measure

TI   - Type of Inspection

USR  - Unscheduled Replacement

SN   - Serial Number of ITEM removed

PM   - Pre or Post Maintenance

ENTD - Entry Date


Depending upon the inspection type, the following fields are present:


TIMEDUE items...

WDT - When Due Time

ACT - Accomplished Time



WDC - When Due Cycles

ACC - Accomplished Cycles


DATEDUE items...

WDD - When Due Date

ACD - Accomplished Date


Having Supervisor access allows modification of the fields. This is good and bad. Should you modify a main TLMC item with the ALT-C or ALT-G instead of the normal [ENTER] edit mode, you will not be recording the transaction in the history file. Always use the record editor to modify a line item.


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