Printing a status report is as easy as pressing [F2]. Select the printer that most closely represents the printer that you have.
The seven options are as follows:
HP(tm) Laser Jet III
HP(tm) Deskjet series
Epson(tm) LQ-2500
IBM(tm) X24
ALPS(tm) P2000G
User defined
Data Dump
To select a printer press the letter to the left of the model. Another window pop’s into view asking what page you want to print. Select the letter to the left, either A or B (front/back page) and see how it prints. If none of the printers work try providing your own User Defined escape codes.
Data Dump is a print option that only contains the raw data in a non formatted view.
The status report gets its information from the following areas to complete the first page
MFG SN # - Manufacturers Serial Number
BASE # - Initialization file
LOCATION # - Initialization file
USER - Status Report
MO - Status Report
YR - Status Report
From the above information, the only item in question that you must provide the program is the TAIL # accessible through the Engine logs [ALT-E]. Everything else will print from within the status report. That is, the data is contained within the individual status report files.
The PRINT OPTIONS window will always be in view. This is because it is required that the status report be printed on the front and back of a single piece of paper. By leaving the OPTIONS menu on screen you can turn the paper around and print on the back side. Of course, this might be more of a chore than it’s worth because of different printer models. The best type of printer to have is the single sheet feeder type, not the tractor feed. This is because you can load a piece of paper easily instead of having to undo the tractor system. The option is yours. You can always use the information on the screen to perform all calculations for you and then transfer that data to another pre-made status report by hand or print the Data Dump.
The back page gets it’s information from the following except for the heading information which gets it from the same place as the front page:
ENGINE CZI - Calculated from Engine logs
ENGINE MPI - Aircraft TLMC table
ENGINE TOTAL HOURS - Calculated from Engine logs
The HOURS/PERCENT columns are calculated from the status report and will be visible on every aircraft.
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