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Status Report EC

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Selecting [ALT-P] when the printer selection (from the status report print function) does not match anything that you have then you will need to try and use some printer codes (called ESCAPE codes) from your printer manual. If you choose user defined codes have your printer book handy and go to the utility menu. Three blocks require data entry. What you see is the default for an ALPS P2000G/EPSON FX 100 printer. The beginning code defines what you must do to the code before it gets to the title - AIRCRAFT STATUS REPORT. After that the middle code defines what the printer must do to turn it into compress and condensed mode. The third block Ending Code only returns the printer to original defaults. This method of code entry only works if the codes required for your printer are non control codes that do not interfere with the program keys. If you find that you cannot enter the codes you want without something unexpected then you will need to use an alternate method of entry as described later.


Beginning code 


          Initialize the printer

          Turn on Emphasize mode

          Turn on Double-high print

          Release skip perforation

          Turn on letter quality printing


Middle code 


          Select a graphic set capable of block characters

          Release Double-high printing

          Release Emphasized mode

          Set pitch to 12 cpi

          Set paper feed to 9 lpi

          Initialize the graphic set previously selected


End code


          Reset message (non Hewlett Packard printers)


Your printer book will tell you that the ESCAPE code, which is normally generated by holding down the [ALT] key and pressing the sequence [27] from the numeric keypad, is the required escape code that starts all sequences. Because of control code conflicts with this program selecting this code will cause unexpected results. The screen will act like you pressed [ESC] (Get it?... ESCAPE code). The affected codes are 1 - 32. What I have done is to replace the escape key with the code 174 instead of 27. This causes no problems to my program and the code is straightened out before printing. When you press the sequence [ALT-174] the program generates the ASCII symbol <<.


When selecting lpi (lines per inch) it is usually a divide by sequence. In the (manufacturers) manual it will usually say something like n/360 where n is what we want to provide for. This report wants 9 lines per inch in the paper feed. If we put 40 in place of the [n] then the printer will not recognize it. Instead you must use the ALT-NUM sequence method. Hold down the [ALT] key and press the numeric sequence from the keypad [40] and the character ( is generated. Your printer will recognize this unless otherwise stated.


Sample code is provide in the file UDFPRINT.TMP located in BDM root directory.


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