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Site Data Sheet

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The data sheet organizes your customer information. As well as providing you manageable data it also provides your RM and the office the same information. When you upload data to either of the two aforementioned sites--regional manager, Madison--then whatever you have listed in the data sheet, they have the same information. This information should be adjusted whenever someone leaves, arrives, or change phone numbers. This data can and will be used by all levels of management. It is important to update this file on a regular basis.


To save the data that you modify press the [PGDN] key and select [Y]. Upon exiting the Data sheet, you will be prompted to edit the remarks memo. The remarks memo is only a place that you can write anything you want (notes, messages, whatever) - and it can be viewed by the RM or Management in Madison. 






NOTE-All phone numbers should be entered as If your Regional Manager was to dial this number from his assigned site. This includes the country code... (if Oconus)

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