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Password Manager

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This table is the key to the success of a remote site logging in.  The only fields that you should modify (you can modify any of them) are listed below.


BASE    - 3 Digit Base Number

RM      - Regional Manager Site (TRUE OR FALSE)

PW      - Password

BS      - 2 Character branch of service

COMMENT - Site data


The following fields should not be modified:

BATCH  - Field modification files (updated by Madison Server)

LUDATE - Last Update

LODATE - Last On


From my computer but slightly modified for security reasons:

BASE    - 850

RM      - F

PW      - COHIBA

BS      - NA



It is Critically important that the password a site sets up as employee 00000 be the same password as what you have defined in the PW field. Failure to match passwords will result in denial from your machine when a remote calls in. You will be able to review the journal to determine what site(s) are having this problem. There is no requirement to update this password on a scheduled basis. The only problem that I have had in the past is when a site inadvertently deletes the password and has absolutely no clue as to what it was. If you modify a password you need to notify Operations Computer Services so they can update the password on their server.


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