This very simple table will maintain the certification due dates on all employees at your site. To add a new employee press [F6] and a window appears. Insert the employee’s id and his/her last name. You are asked if you want to add the information to the table select Y and the individual will be added. The records added are what QA determined to be in effect at the time of this writing.
To adjust the due date of each item toggle over to the field DUEDATE and the due date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. If the item is overdue it will be RED, within 30 days YELLOW, and anything over 30 days will be GREEN.
The field structure is as follows:
CERT - Certification Requirement
ENUM - Employee Number
LNAME - Last Name
REQ - Requirement Unit of Measure
DUEDATE - Date Certification Requirement is due
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